If you make any updates to the design of your site each month, a monthly maintenance package will save you money.
Typical design/development firms charge up to $100 an hour for design work. Should you ever need to create graphics, product features, content pages, or simply update your design, you can expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $500 for a half-days work! Frogabog can be your partner in your marketing success by offering regular design and basic content maintenance, keeping your site updated for a fixed cost. You will always know what you will be paying for updates to your site, and will receive them on a recurring, planned schedule.
I will schedule a pre-determined number of hours of designing time once per month to be at your disposal. Prior to your consultation call, gather your updates and ideas to apply to your website. Common requests of current package users include updating featured products & services, creating promotional graphics, adding or removing content such as staff or department listings, adding new custom pages or graphics to your website, creating graphic links, image placement, responding to your customers usability requests, and more. Each month, when you send me your update requests, I will review them and determine if they can be completed as part of your contract. Update work beyond the contract amount will be billed hourly, and you will be notified ahead of time if the work required can be performed within your contract.
If you wish to participate in a Monthly Maintenance package, you will receive your regular updates each month by a pre-determined date. I will give your updates priority over non-maintenance clients. The cycle for recurring maintenance will happen during the first two weeks of every month, or during the last two weeks depending on schedule conflicts. All maintenance contracts will receive their updates in a timely manner based on notification date. Update work will be completed by the due date as long as sufficient time remains after notification. Generally, planning updates at least one week ahead provides ample time to complete the work prior to the scheduled due date.
If you wish to participate in Monthly Maintenance, monthly fees start at $75.00 per month, and can be increased depending on the size and complexity of your website. This covers my designing time, once per month, to update your site per your needs. No additional charges or hourly design fees will be required to maintain your site unless required. These fees are in addition to your hosting or additional design fees however, and are recurring. A minimum of three (3) months must be agreed to for Monthly Maintenance packages. All clients are invoiced at the 1st of each month.
Development service packages for your backend include CMS mangement of system settings, server settings and configuration, user management and access controls, installation or updates for plugins or extras, updating CMS software, database->website development and maintenance, application of scripts related to plugins, email account administration, and much more depending on your site's needs.